Digital Marketing

Isn’t Snapchat one of your absolute favorite social media applications? OF COURSE, IT IS! In fact, statistics for the first quarter of 2022 dictate that Snapchat has 332 million active daily users globally. Shocking, isn’t it?

We’re sure you use Snapchat to capture your favorite moments on your phone or keep streaks with your friends. We all love maintaining streaks, don’t we?

But did you know? You can use Snapchat for all the more reasons as well. That’s right!

You can use Snapchat marketing to market your business on Snapchat as well. Just as we use Facebook Marketing, LinkedIn Marketing, Instagram Marketing, and TikTok Marketing to promote our businesses, Snapchat Marketing can be utilized for this very purpose.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the specifics of Snapchat marketing!

What Is Snapchat Marketing?

Just as the term suggests, Snapchat allows you to market your business on the app, just like other social media apps.

However, there is a benefit attached to it. Most business owners think about marketing their businesses on either Facebook or Instagram. Hence, Snapchat remains less used for this purpose.

This means that there is less competition on the app and more opportunities to explore. Many marketers think that Snapchat, the social media network once reserved for teenagers and young adults, is now a tool that can be utilized to enhance your brand’s marketing efforts and expand your reach.

Snapchat is a unique and brilliant platform in terms of functioning and the material that users expect to find there, so getting started with Snapchat marketing might be intimidating.

But, you have nothing to worry about. We have created this guide to help you in this process of marketing.

Why Should You Market Your Business On Snapchat?

When it comes to creating and running a business, it’s critical to use every marketing channel at your disposal to ensure that your brand reaches as many people as possible.

After all, anybody who interacts with your brand is a prospective consumer. Snapchat provides you with a bank of over 300 million daily users who create over 10 billion views on videos each day – this presents you with a clear chance to expand your brand.

Because most businesses have yet to develop a presence on Snapchat, you have the opportunity to break through and consolidate your brand on the platform.

Snapchat is a compelling tool for your audience because of the unique, time-sensitive nature of the material displayed on the platform.

Suppose you build your business as a leader on the platform. In that case, you will attract the attention of a significantly larger number of users than if you focused solely on Facebook marketing.

How To Setup Snapchat Business Account?

To use Snapchat efficiently for marketing, you must first create a Snapchat Business profile. It makes no difference if you’re using Snapchat for a major corporation or a tiny business; the Business account is a must to get started with Snapchat marketing.

Prior to creating your profile, keep in mind that there is basically no difference between a business account and a personal account on Snapchat. The only big distinction is that you need a business account to pay for Snapchat ads.

However, you can still use a personal account to sell your brand, establish a following, and engage with followers, so you should start by practicing your Snapchat techniques and knowing the ins and outs of the platform.

Here is how you can create a Snapchat business profile.

  1. First, download the Snapchat app on your mobile phone.
Snapchat Marketing Downliad

2. Create an account and set up your profile. Profile setup would require your name, birth date, password, phone number, etc.

Snapchat Marketing Account Signup

3. Setup a business profile — Set up your Snapchat Business account once you have an account by going to the Snapchat Business Manager. You’ll sign in using the same username and password you used to create your regular Snapchat account.

Snapcaht Marketing Account Login

Enter your company’s legal name, your name, the country in which you want to do business, and the currency you want to use. A Business Account will be created instantly after that.

How Can You Use Snapchat For Business?

To use Snapchat for business, there are certain steps that you may have to take during the process. Those are the steps that we are going to talk about here.

  • Share Your Profile Link

It is always a good idea to share your profile on different social media platforms so your followers from there can see that your business is available on Snapchat too.

To obtain your link, go to your profile and then click on the Snapcode on the left side. This will display a menu of options for sharing your profile.

Snapchat Marketing Snapcodes

Copy the Share My Profile Link or share it straight to another social platform.

  • Keep In Touch With Other Users On Snapchat

Brand material is mixed in with postings from users’ friends and family on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. On Snapchat, this is not the case. Content from friends is separated from content from brands or content developers in this section.

Due to its split-screen layout, you’ll need to interact in order to keep your presence. You can interact with fellow users by viewing their snaps, replying to their stories, maintaining streaks with them, following other accounts, collaborating with them, and uploading quality content.

  • Create Enganing Content

Snaps are intended to disappear either immediately or after a day or so, but there is a lot you can do to make a simple image or video more intriguing. You can create engaging content by using different features of Snapchat.

Such as;

Using filters, adding text on the snap, uploading stories, utilizing the music or location filter, putting up a poll on your stories, using snap lenses, etc.

  • Having An Affective Snapchat Marketing Strategy

Snapchat may not be appropriate for every brand. As previously said, Snapchat is primarily used by people under the age of 35 and is renowned for being a playful medium.

However, if it seems appropriate for your brand, make sure you have a solid social media plan in place before starting your account.

How To Create An Effective Snapchat Marketing Strategy?

If you want to leverage Snapchat as a long-term marketing channel for your company, you need to plan ahead of time.

You’ll be able to organize your Snapchat content to correspond with your other daily tasks if you build a Snapchat marketing strategy, and it’ll help you maintain a consistent output of fantastic material for your followers.

Snapchat’s user base is predominantly young: 71 percent of all users are under 34 years of age.

So, if you want to interact with and build brand supporters among that age range, Snapchat is a terrific place to be. This also implies that you must carefully analyze the type of content your youthful audience prefers.

Knowing the Snapchat audience makeup, you may want to revisit your study and see if there were any differences in the behaviors and aims of individuals under the age of 34.

You might also hold a small focus group with some of your top customers who are regular Snapchat users to find out what they look for in a company, how frequently they use the app, how they connect with their friends on the platform, and what they would like to see from you.

This will provide you with an excellent starting point for determining who you are connecting with and personalizing your marketing efforts on the platform.

What Kind Of Content Should You Upload On Snapchat?

The next stage in developing a Snapchat strategy is deciding what types of content you’ll publish. Here are a few suggestions to help you with your social marketing initiatives:

  • Interactive Projects

Create more audience-centric projects — the content/video/snap that your audience would want to see and enjoy. Your Snapchat marketing techniques should revolve around what your audience would interact with and not what you want them to see.

  • User-Generated Campaigns

Uploading Snaps featuring your audience can help your account gain popularity.

Request Snaps from your customers, the audience on other social platforms, and Snapchat pals for inclusion in an upcoming Story on a specified theme. You may also tie it to a contest to attract more interest and submissions.

  • BTS Videos

People appreciate the raw, real look on Snapchat. Tours behind the scenes and sneak peek at new products make your audience feel more connected and a part of the event.

  • Games

A game is a fun method to get your audience to interact with you on Snapchat, either through the chat tool or by encouraging them to give you Snaps. You may even include them in your Story for the day.

  • How-To Videos

In short, in instructional videos, the Story format adapts itself effectively to educate someone on how to do something. Inquire with your salespeople about the most often asked questions, or look at the most popular inquiries on your website.

Assess who on your team has a unique ability that you can highlight in a Story. It doesn’t even need to be serious.

  • Commentaries

The amazing thing about Snapchat is that you can rapidly create a short video and get it in front of your audience – no need to worry about lighting, setup, or editing.

When something significant occurs, have an internal expert describe the event, its consequences, or what they find intriguing about the news on camera.

You may also poll numerous employees in your office to obtain some rapid reactions and perspectives. This is a simple and engaging method of delivering relevant and entertaining content.

What’s New For Snapchat Marketing?

Snapchat constantly works to update its features and introduce more user-friendly features for its users to have a fun experience. There are a few really unique features that Snapchat offers;

  1. Snapchat AR Lenses

Snapchat Artificial Reality (AR) Lenses alter how users perceive the world. Simply said, they layer digital effects, animations, or graphics on top of a real-world photograph.

Furthermore, Snapchatters can interact with the projected image – the AR effects move in sync with your real-life image.

Since over 800 million Snappers use AR, building a sponsored lens that reflects your company can be an efficient approach to selling on Snapchat.

The free program Lens Studio is used to create AR lenses. More than 2.5 million AR lenses have been developed using Lens Studio to date.

You’ll reach Snapchatters eager for new, fun AR lenses to play with and interact with if you create your own AR lens. This also increases brand recognition.

You can create your own AR lens in no time by following these steps;

  • Create your artwork using 2D or 3D software and then import it to the Lens Studio.
  • Check that you’re adhering to Snapchat’s lens specification rules. When constructing a lens for marketing purposes, make sure to include your company’s name or logo.
  • Animate and customize the artwork with Lens Studio effects.
  • Snapchat will review the lens before making it accessible to the public.
  • Once authorized, publish and advertise your one-of-a-kind AR lens.

Snapchat just enabled customers to purchase things directly from your Snaps. New Shopping Lenses allow you to designate products inside your content so that customers can simply browse, interact with, and buy directly from your catalog.

According to Snapchat, 93 percent of Snapchatters are interested in augmented reality commerce, and AR lenses are engaged over 6 billion times per day.

  1. Snapchat Advertisments

For a long time, adverts on Snapchat were relatively unusual. Still, the firm has taken steps to increase this side of its business by developing new formats and offering an API that automates the processes of advertising or producing content through agency partners on the app.

This, combined with its rapid user growth and dominance in the mobile video arena, has piqued the interest of major companies and those seeking more time in front of the coveted Millennial audience.

However, the app’s advertising alternatives are still limited in comparison to the range of options accessible on other social networks such as Twitter or Facebook.

Furthermore, the barrier to entrance and expense is substantially higher because the corporation is wary about flooding the app with branding and low-performing content.

Snapchat has different kinds of ad structures;

  • Snap ads
  • Story Ads
  • Collection Ads
  • Dynamic Ads

Investing in these various Snapchat ad types can attract consumers to your website and stimulate purchases and create awareness of your company and its items.

With a Snapchat Business account, you can specify which audiences your ads should target. This may help you contact Snapchatters who are already interested in your brand. However, it can also assist you in reaching a new audience.

  1. A Sponsored Geofilter

It has only been a few months since Snapchat launched this function, but there have already been some incredible results for businesses and brands of all kinds.

Snapchat Geofilters can provide a significant competitive edge because 1) few businesses use them, and 2) Snapchat users enjoy sharing filters – even branded ones!

Snapchat Geofilters work similarly to standard Snapchat filters in that you take a photo or record a video and then overlay a design on top.

The primary distinction is that anyone can create an On-Demand Geofilter. Yes, Snapchat has made Geofilters available to everyone.

You can now build a personalized Snapchat Geofilter to go along with your activations, whether you’re celebrating opening a new store, hosting a special event, or searching for a unique method to capture customer attention.

  1. 3D Snaps

The 3D camera option is another fascinating Snapchat feature. This function brings your snap to life by adding dimension to it. Users get that 3D sensation when they jiggle their phones.

This might be a handy feature for firms who want to show off new products or display more sides of a product than a typical photo can.

  1. Bitmojis

Brands worldwide are ecstatic about the new Snapchat Business offering Bitmoji clothing. This amusing integration allows your Bitmoji to wear clothing from well-known brands such as Ralph Lauren, Jordans, Converse, and, yes, even Crocs.

Furthermore, Snapchatters may use the all-new Outfit Sharing function to share their favorite Bitmoji outfit with a friend.

Brands who obtain a piece of this pie can have their product worn, promoted, and applauded online.

Bitmoji may also be used to add additional stickers to your Snapchat account, including a cartoon version of oneself. You’ll need to download the Bitmoji app from the App Store or Play Store to enable this function.

It’s an intriguing function that can potentially play a role in your Snapchat marketing strategy.

  1. Snapchat Discover

Snapchat Discover was introduced in January 2016. It’s a completely distinct section of the program. It allows users to access content published by well-known media outlets such as Vice, Cosmopolitan, and ESPN.

Like the Stories feature, Discover tales compile audio-video and photo content that links to articles and graphics via a Pinterest-like dashboard. According to TechCrunch, you may pick your favorites and share bits of Discover stories with certain users directly.

  1. Collaboration with Influencers

Social media influencers are followed by 72 percent of Generation Z. Snapchat can be intimidating regarding influencer marketing. Its structure is considerably different from that of other social media applications.

Snapchat users are more selective about the influencers they follow on the site – but this means that their followers are that much more willing to listen to what they have to say.

It’s all about keeping things conversational while working with an influencer on Snapchat. Here are some ideas that might help you in making it work:

  • Ensure that you and your Snapchat influencer are on the same page. According to 88 percent of Gen Z, it is critical for influencers to be real and sincerely care about their interests, so make sure anybody you deal with truly aligns with your business.
  • Maintain a conversational tone. Snapchat is still a communication platform, and influencers must appear to their dedicated following as “friends.” This is what produces the most interesting content.
  • Monitor metrics and analyze your data. Once you’ve launched an influencer marketing campaign, it’s critical to monitor its performance. This is possible through your Snapchat business account.

Working with Snapchat influencers is one of the best methods to ensure your audience doesn’t skip your ad on the social site.

The features mentioned above are just the gist of what Snapchat has to offer to its business accounts.

Final Word

Snapchat marketing is a game-changer for businesses. However, few people fully understand how to utilize it in their marketing approach.

Since its inception in 2012, the media-focused app has amassed 319 million daily active users globally. These consumers have a total spending power of 4.4 trillion dollars. This is a massive potential for brands, providing a big opportunity to increase brand awareness and sentiment through organic reach.

What’s the best part? Despite its youth in the social media platform world, Snapchat offers plenty of new marketing grounds to break. So, in order to maximize your ROI, you must get your brand on the platform as soon as feasible.

You will have first access to the most influential era yet if you do.

As unhyped as it gets, Snapchat can do wonders in the business world, and business owners can utilize Snapchat marketing in numerous different ways to get favorable outcomes for their brands.

Hence, brands can move forward from Facebook and Instagram to opt for Snapchat marketing as well.

It allows its users to use various unique features to keep in touch with their audiences and create brand recognition in a fun interactive way.

While Snapchat is an excellent tool, it is inappropriate for every business. Before you invest your time and resources in the platform, ensure that your target audience is present.

According to Omnicore, almost 70% of all Snapchat users are below the age margin of 34. If you have an older demographic, you should focus your marketing efforts on other platforms such as Facebook.

Snapchat is also more popular among young people, so consider your demographic before visiting the platform. You must first grasp the app if you want to become a Snapchat marketing guru.

Have fun marketing your business on Snapchat!

Amanda Hayward

Amanda Hayward is a highly skilled Digital Marketing Manager and a key team player. From monitoring advertisements to devising clever marketing strategies, she works tirelessly to ensure client needs are met. Our clients love dealing with her as she guides them about the best suitable marketing strategies while explaining the process to them step by step. Her admirable hands-on experience is reflected in her wise decision-making abilities.

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